SFF uses a modified version of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Breakthrough Series Model for Improvement. This approach combines the use of quality improvement (QI) science with targeted education. Participating sites use QI science to test interventions, identify changes that work, and rapidly accelerate the adoption of best practices at both a practice and system-level through the use of Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles. Additionally, teams at the sites participate in monthly technical assistance calls and site specific coaching calls to discuss clinical and consumer care best practices with national experts, participate in shared-learning with providers across Ohio, and review site-specific and aggregate data.
Any healthcare provider or programmatic staff member who works with infants and caregivers can use the resources on
this website to address tobacco cessation among their caregivers. Recorded webinars on tobacco cessation-related topics are also
available for review on the Presentations page.